SINGLE SPOTLIGHT: Jeromes Dream - “Stretched Invisible from London”

Released: February 28th, 2023
Iodine Recordings
Way too much great music seemed to see release in February of 2023. Now that we’re a week into March, it remains to be seen what kind of titanic releases we’ll get this month. But today, we’re gonna talk about the return of a true golden-oldie – noisy, chaotic, unhinged masters of sonic mayhem Jeromes Dream, and their most recent single, “Stretched Invisible from London” off of a new record to be released via Iodine Recordings. Strap in, hold on tight, and prepare for a rollercoaster of riffs and feedback, passionately brewed and pressed for your endless listening pleasure.

This song absolutely hits right on par with what you’d expect from Jeromes Dream. Starting in with a mid-tempo drum beat, immediately followed by the screech and shrill hiss of hardcore-esque guitars as well as screams, the track establishes a careful mix of the days of the Completed collection while also keeping a sort of groove and boundary, if you will. It doesn’t stray too far off the rails to where you’re not sure how to bob your head to the beat. But what it does do is ups your heart rate, generates the adrenaline, and makes it real hard to drive slowly while blasting it from your car speaker (As always, disclaimer: We do not encourage unsafe driving or speeding with any statements made here).

Jeromes Dream truly are a band that sticks to their guns when it comes to songwriting, and the fact that they have remained a well-recognized name only goes to further reflect their integrity. The song carries a visceral tone and atmosphere that seems almost trademark to the band’s presence as well. Many names have come and gone, and still remain, but in my opinion JD are just a completely different realm of their own in the mathcore, post-punk, screamo, metal wave…or whatever labels you deem them to be. The way they blend the elements of sound effects, ringing feedback, slamming riffs, and just from-the-heart vocal shouts is unlike almost anything else I’ve heard within their genre umbrella; “Stretched Invisible from London” provides further evidence to that statement.

Although some might say Jeromes Dream have toned down with newer material compared to older, I don’t feel this is the case whatsoever. What we heard from 2019’s LP and what we’re getting a sample of now from the upcoming release, The Gray In Between, it feels like nothing more than a refinement of their craft. What the band is doing works very well and, in my opinion, is helping to craft all the more memorable songs. No punches pulled, no slowing down, no shortage of raw power; Jeromes Dream are a lightning rod of energy that stampedes through your ear canals and takes no prisoners.

So what are you waiting for? With flashy wording, gushing over a song like that, I’d expect you to have listened to it about 15 times by now. But if you haven’t – get to it! Hype yourself with what is to come from the new Jeromes Dream banger and don’t forget to keep up with the band at all available links posted above! Cheers to a way-back titan of noise and hardcore, we salute your endeavors always; Jeromes Dream forever.


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